I currently have a problem with the RT1062 cam.
We used two RT1062 cameras for a robotics competition a while back, they worked quite well we just had some minor connection issues from time to time but noting a PC / cam reset couldn’t fix.
We recently wanted to finalise our camera code since the next competition is coming up quite soon, they contacted as they should, and we updated the firmware to the latest version.
But after uploading the new firmware the IDE couldn’t recognize the cams anymore.
Strangely the cam is recognized by the device manager, but it seems like it can’t communicate.
Device manager log:
This device was stopped because it reported an error. (Code 43)
Error during a request from the USB device descriptor.
Driver name: usb.inf
Klassen-GUID: {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}
Driver date: 06/21/2006
Treiberversion: 10.0.22621.3672
Driver vendor: Microsoft
Driver section: BADDEVICE.Dev.NT
Driver rank: 0xFF0000
Driver with lower rank: usb.inf:USB\DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_FAILURE:00FF2000
Device has been updated: false
Parent device: USB\ROOT_HUB30\5&2bce96aa&0&0
The cable can transmit data and we tried everything on multible PCs
Everything accrued with two cameras so a hardware problem should be out of question.
I updated and cleared the file system via SBL (like in other blog posts described) which worked perfectly (USB correctly recognized, firmware could be updated, self-test successful…) but the issue remains.
I have trayed:
- Restarting everything
- Reinstellend the IDE multiple times
- Tried a not released version of the IDE
- updated windows (newest drivers)
- …
Thank you in advance.