RT1062 hardware connection problem with Win10

After installing the IDE (4.1.1 then 4.1.3) I connect the RT 1062 camera. The green LED stays lit and does not blink. Attempting to run the Helloworld program after connecting the camera shows nothing in the video window. The bottom of the IDE screen shows:
Board: OpenMW Cam RT1062
Sensor: OV5640
Firmware version: 4.5.1
Serial port: COM3
Drive: E:/
FPS: 25.0
When I try this on a Mac, I see a video and histogram screen. The same USB-C cable is used on both machines.

Can you post a screen shot? It sounds like the IDE data visualization window is just closed and you need to open it. It showing 25 FPS means it’s streaming.

Indeed I did not notice the window control arrow at first. Yes it all shows properly now.
It’s a lousy feeling to be such a “noob”…
Thanks kwagyeman!!

Yeah, it’s still a bug for why that happens. The IDE is coded to show the window by default but sometimes that’s hidden on first launch. I will get it fixed.