Green LED keeps blinking

I took a new H7 and connected a microUSB from the PC to it.

The IDE asked if I’d like to update the firmware. I did so.

Upon reconnection you keep hearing the Windows OS make the USB sound (three tone) every second or so. And the green LED just keeps blinking. I try the bricking procedure as well.

Device manager keeps refreshing as though it is trying to connect to something and then getting thrown off.

I’ve tried doing this over and over and keep getting “Firmware Update complete” and then green led blinking and Windows sound forever.

Hi, please try to flash this firmware for the OpenMV Cam H7 using the Tools->Run Bootloader menu option. We overclocked the H7 previously and this is not safe on all chips. This firmware checks the variant and slows the CPU down if it doesn’t support 480 MHz (down to 400 MHz). (1.19 MB)

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Thanks so much. That worked.

Hello, I had the same problem connecting to H7 (but my H7 was not new and I worked with it for a long time). I tried to flash this firmware but camera still doesn’t connect.

Hi, you should be able to just install the latest firmware from here:

I tried to flash the latest firmware, but after flashing H7 continues blinking green.

The blinking green is the bootloader running. It won’t do that continuously as the bootloader exits after 5 seconds.

Can you try to reset it via DFU mode? Also, if it was working for a long time what broke it?

Hello, good afternoon! My board is the H7 Plus, and I’ve tried flashing it with firmware version 4.4.1, but upon power-up, the green LED just keeps blinking. I then tried an older firmware, around version 3.9.0, but it still didn’t work properly, with the green LED blinking on power-up. Could it be that my board doesn’t support 480MHz? If that’s the case, what version of the firmware should I switch to?

Hi, the firmware runs at the correct frequency given the chip variant and determines this automatically.

If the green LED is blinking the system is likely fine. So, you just need to load the right firmware given the connect menu.

Please disconnect the camera from your PC and then go through the dialog to select the eighth firmware for your variant. Then plug the camera in when the IDE says to.

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Thank you very much for your detailed reply. However, I still have some questions. Which one is the “to select the eighth” firmware referring to? Can you provide me with a specific link? Thank you very much.

More detailed description of the problem: Using the STM32H743 plus hardware (the main control chip was damaged and replaced with the same model V version). It has been flashed with openmv4p.bin through STM32CubeProgrammer and OPENMV IDE (latest version), with versions 3.9.3 and 4.4.1, the green LED keeps blinking. According to the documentation, our firmware 3.8.0 has been compatible with different versions of STM32H743, but the green light stays on, so has the board started normally at 480MHZ? Or is my memory chip also faulty? Do I need to replace the memory chip (IS42S32)? Or where can I see the startup debug information of the device?

Hi, sorry, that was a typo. I meant that you need to select the right version.

As for the firmware variant. We are on 4.5.3… the latest is not 4.4.1. Please update your IDE. Our latest firmware detects the chip model variant and applies the right clock frequency. This is not an issue.

As for what the particular issue with the board, I can’t tell unless you flash the latest firmware.