Openmv H7 plus device fail

Hello Sir,
We use H7 plus in our project. And we got a situation when we connect with USB port in win11.

Do you have any suggestion why and how it’s happened?

There can be any number of reasons why the flash drive is corrupted. However, it’s not a firmware issue as we have logged thousands upon thousands of hours now without issues with the flash drive.

It’s probably related to what you are doing in your firmware. I’d try to reduce your program to the minimum size to cause the error. Then post that.

Here is our program. This code is try to find a line.

import sensor, image
from pyb import Pin
def DoImageProcess(frame, anchors, pi7, pi6):
standard_length = 300
kernel_size = 1
kernel = [1, 0, -1, 2, 0, -2, 1, 0, -1]
anchor_count = 5
min_angle = 30
img = sensor.snapshot()
stat = img.get_statistics()
labValue = (stat.l_mean(), stat.a_mean(), stat.b_mean())
rgbValue = image.lab_to_rgb(labValue)
grayValue = 0.299rgbValue[0] + 0.587rgbValue[1] + 0.114rgbValue[2]
if (grayValue < 50):
print(frame, 6, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
return img, anchors
if (grayValue > 230):
print(frame, 7, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
return img, anchors
resetFlag = pi6.value()
if(resetFlag == 1):
print(frame, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
anchors = []
return img, anchors
#jumpFlag = pi7.value()
jumpFlag = 0
if (jumpFlag == 1):
print(frame, 3, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
return img, anchors
img.morph(kernel_size, kernel)
stat = img.get_statistics()
labValue = (stat.l_stdev(), stat.a_stdev(), stat.b_stdev())
rgbValue = image.lab_to_rgb(labValue)
stdevValue = 0.299
rgbValue[0] + 0.587rgbValue[1] + 0.114rgbValue[2]
all_lines = img.find_lines(threshold = 500)
if (len(all_lines) < 1):
print(frame, 4, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
return img, anchors
if (len(anchors) >= anchor_count) :
anchors_x, anchors_angle, anchors_m, anchors_lsq = GetAnchors(anchors, standard_length)
anchors_x = int(anchors_x)
select_line = SelectLine(all_lines, anchors_x, img.width(), min_angle)
if select_line == -1:
print(frame, 5, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
return img, anchors
del anchors[0]
select_x = int((select_line.x1() + select_line.x2()) / 2)
angle = select_line.theta()
if (angle > 90):
angle -= 180
distance = abs(anchors_x - select_x)
if ( anchors_x > select_x):
count = round(distance / standard_length)
count = -round(distance / standard_length)
anchors.append((select_x, angle , count))
select_x += count standard_length
print(frame, 1, select_x, angle, count, anchors_m, anchors_lsq, grayValue, stdevValue, 0)
img.draw_line(anchors_x, 0, anchors_x, img.height() - 1, color = (255, 0, 0), thickness=3)
img.draw_line(select_line.x1(), 0, select_line.x2(), img.height() - 1, color = (255, 0, 255),thickness=1)
anchors_search = 0
if (len(anchors) < anchor_count / 2):
anchors_search = img.width() / 2
anchors_search, anchors_angle, anchors_m, anchors_lsq = GetAnchors(anchors, standard_length)
anchors_search = int(anchors_search)
select_line = SelectLine(all_lines, anchors_search, img.width(), min_angle)
if select_line != -1:
x = int((select_line.x1() + select_line.x2()) / 2)
angle = select_line.theta()
if (angle > 90):
angle -= 180
anchors.append((x, angle, 0))
img.draw_line(select_line.line(), color = (0, 255, 0),thickness=3)
print(frame, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
return img, anchors
def SelectLine(lines, anchors_x, width, min_angle):
min_distance = 999999
select_line = -1
for i in range(len(lines)):
l = lines[i]
x = int(( l.x1() + l.x2()) / 2)
distance = abs(x - anchors_x)
if (l.theta() > 90):
angle = 180 - l.theta()
angle = l.theta()
if (distance < min_distance) and (angle < min_angle) :
min_distance = distance
select_line = l
return select_line
def GetAnchors(anchors, standard_length):
if len(anchors) < 1:
return 0, 0
x = 0
angle = 0
avg_x = 0
avg_y = 0
avg_xy = 0
avg_xx = 0
for i in range(len(anchors)):
temp = anchors[i][0] + standard_length * anchors[i][2]
x += temp
angle += anchors[i][1]
avg_x += i
avg_y += temp
avg_xy += i * temp
avg_xx += i * i
x /= len(anchors)
angle /= len(anchors)
avg_x /= len(anchors)
avg_y /= len(anchors)
avg_xy /= len(anchors)
avg_xx /= len(anchors)
m = (avg_xy - avg_x
avg_y) / (avg_xx - avg_x * avg_x)
b = avg_y - m * avg_x
lsq = 0
for i in range(len(anchors)):
temp = anchors[i][0] + standard_length * anchors[i][2]
lsq += abs((m * i + b) - temp)
return x, angle, m, lsq
if name == ‘main’:
sensor.set_auto_exposure(False, 50000)
sensor.set_windowing((540, 320))
pi7 = Pin(“P7”, Pin.IN)
pi6 = Pin(“P6”, Pin.IN)
frame = -1
anchors =
while (True):
frame = (frame + 1) % 1000
img, anchors = DoImageProcess(frame, anchors, pi7, pi6 )

In hardware, we connect with USB port, 2 I/O port, and power connection.

You need to reduce the program to just what causes the error for us to debug. Please do not provide your whole program and say “please fix”.