No OpenMV Cams Found (M7)

I bought a M7 camera and received it yesterday. I tried to connect M7 camera through the OpenMV IDE. “No OpenMV Cams Found” error showed up, I’ve tried to connect it both from Ubuntu 22.04 and Windows. None of the both OS work. For both cases, green LED blink for a few seconds. I then tried to enter the DFU mode via jumper wiring BOOT and 3.3V pins, still didn’t work. Following the instruction pop up on the IDE screen, I jumper wiring BOOT and RST pins, during erasing flash memory, “Time Out” error showed up. It looks to me the IDE never identify the M7 camera. The version of both IDEs (ubuntu and Win) is 3.0.3. Would you help to clarify the issue and solve the problem?

Mmm, so, I saw another user had the same issue.

I think actually you just need to update the firmware.

So, do this, unplug the camera from the PC, click connect, say the board is bricked, then select the OpenMV Cam H7 from the dialog, then plug the camera back in when the IDE tells you to. This should update the firmware and fix the issue.

Don’t use the DFU method just yet.

Follow your steps mentioned above,
unplug camera from the PC → click connect → say the board is bricked → select STM32F765 → plug back the camera when the IDE tells to do → erasing flash → " time out error" occur !!
I also tried Cam H7 from the dialog, same “time out” error !!

when the time out error occurs, the green led keep on blinking, more than just a few seconds, it looks to me the IDE tried to access the M7 cam, but time out

Ah, okay, this is caused by an aggressive flash loader process in the IDE which appears to not work on all systems.

I reduced the aggressiveness of the approach but it appears to have not solved the problem on some users machine. It’s hard for me to fix the issue though since I can’t replicate… nor have an idea what’s going on.

Anyway, please download an install this version of the IDE: Release OpenMV IDE Release · openmv/openmv-ide · GitHub

It has a much slower bootloader but which works pretty much on everyone’s machine.

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Hi, It finally works for OpenMV IDE 2.9.2 running on Windows, though it was a mess for Ubuntu 22.04 due to misssing packages. I appreciated your prompt support.

I am wondering, for a further discussion, what if it still not works for a slower IDE version, is there any other alternative like STM32CubeProgrammer or STLink via which we can upload firmware? Sorry I am not an expert of the bootloader, I appreciate if I can learn more from you on this topic.

The bootloader works via sending USB CDC data.

Previously, I would send 62000 bytes a second to load the firmware. However, USB is more capable. You get a more than 10x speed up by sending the data packed as 64 bytes one after another.

So, as long as the computer actually follows the USB spec well firmware loading goes from 2 minutes to 5 seconds.

However, if the transactions are split wrong or etc then everything falls over.

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I struggled to connect a new virgin Dell Linux workstation that came installed with Ubuntu 22.04. I could see the bootloader briefly enumerate as “Generic OpenMV Device” using lsusb to list the connected devices. But it wouldn’t load new firmware. Fixed it by using a terminal to type [ sudo adduser username dialout ].

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