Installer for windows.

Hello. I would like to try an updated windows installer on my windows 10 machine. I have the alpha device. One works and the other has never worked right.

Windows support is much better now, but the installer is really outdated. I’m working on Linux/Windows packages I will release them in a day or two.

Has there been any progress on an installer or a windows executable or even binaries I can compile in visual studio? Sorry to be annoying :slight_smile:

Yes I created and tested new packages for Linux and Windows, I’ll upload them later, stay tuned :slight_smile:

Thank you. I’ve been checking back here incessantly hoping that it was released. I’m probably hitting this thread 5x per day :open_mouth:

Sorry it’s taking longer than expected, the packages are basically ready but I still need to include a few things in this release.

I’m glad that you included this discussion as part of your kickstarted update!

Please report any problems on github.

Double clicking on windows 10 and won’t run. Tried run as admin. Do I need to have the camera plugged in to run .exe?
Edit:I suppose I should ask on github. Sorry.

No, but I didn’t test it on Windows 10, this was tested on Arch Linux, Ubuntu, Mint and Windows 7 32/64