Tried to upgrade to latest version. Won’t install. After installing the old version of course.
“Error during installation process (io.openmv.openmvide.application):
Program crashed: “cmd /c C:/Program Files/OpenMV IDE\share\qtcreator\drivers\openmv\openmv.cmd””
Serious question: do the Windows versions get any testing before release?
Serious question: do the Windows versions get any testing before release?
Yes, I tested it on two windows machines. The driver installer passes fine on both.
Just click ignore on the error. I’ll spend some more time on this and release again.
“Error during installation process (io.openmv.openmvide.application):
Program crashed: “cmd /c C:/Program Files/OpenMV IDE\share\qtcreator\drivers\openmv\openmv.cmd””
The script here was updated to return 0 in all cases and just runs the dp_inst.exe in silent mode. I need to figure out why the return code from dp_inst.exe is still propagated to the installer GUI. dp_inst.exe returns a status code on how drivers were installed which can vary on each PC. So, the installer appears to work fine on some machines and not on others. It always installs the drivers after it runs. So, it’s still fine if you ignore the error.
Thank you for letting me know on this. Yeah, on 4.4.4 I fixed the issue. I was like, how is it still broken…