OpenMV not connecting

My LED does not even blink when connected to PC or powersource, isit dead?

If you have a script onboard that doesn’t blink the LED then it won’t blink.

yea i have a script onboard that dosent blink the LED however, when connected to a PC, the microSD cant be read either…

when you plugin the camera to the pc did you find it under the device manager?

On my H7+ units, there are about 5 green blinks and one white blink from the bootloader on initial power-on before the script runs.

However, it is true that it won’t blink at all if it is in DFU mode e.g., if you’re trying to recover the firmware by connecting the RESET and BOOT pins when powering on. (Reset just being a safe and convenient source of the 3.3V level BOOT needs to activate.)

The “STMicroelectronics STM Device in DFU Mode” does not appear anywhere I can find in the normal View / Devices by type in the Windows 10 Device Manager. If you change the View to Devices by Container, you should be able to see “DFU in FS Mode” as the container for this device. This is a good view for finding the “OpenMV Virtual Comm Port in FS Mode” container, too.

If you can get the DFU device connected, then you can try connecting in the OpenMV IDE (plug icon at bottom left), then after it tells you “No OpenMV Cams found!,” it will ask “Do you have an OpenMV Cam connected and is it bricked?” At this point, I’d say “Yes” and see if you can recover the device.

Here’s hoping your blinkless camera is in DFU mode and not completely dead!

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