My openmv4 h7 plus is broken

my openmv4 h7 plus has worked for about 3month,and this afternoon,it doesn’t work. the communication between PLC and openmv has error.
i fell the temperature of box which openmv in it is very high.
i find the box shield voltage is 3.3v and the board of openmv is 3.3V.

i cut off the openmv power, connect the opoenmv by usb to openmv IDE, it failed.
i open win explorer, and can’t find the usb disk .
what the wrong with the openmv ,what could be the reason of that?

It’s potentially burned out.

Was anything shorting in the box and did VIN go above 5V?

The units don’t fail unless they are exposed to damaging voltage or short circuits.

the +5V comes from dc -dc power 24-5V. the picture above is example.
and the output of dc -dc power is still +5V.
this openmv is my second one, and the first one is broken because of 485 module is broken .that 485module is OPENMV RS485.

Hi, we sell an RS485 shield, however, it’s for the RT1062. The only other RS485 module is from SingTown. Which one did you buy?

RS485 module is from SingTown :disappointed_relieved:
i just find the different between from sintown and from RT1062

Theirs is supposed to be isolated. So, it shouldn’t break the camera. But, you may wish to contact them.