Flir lepton openmv cam h7 plus

at removable disk(E:) the, readme and openmv_disk file is presented . I tried openmv ide software and clicked to run it showing Run time error: sensor control failed. how to solve this problem? using open mv cam h7 plus. how to start working and installing drivers or libraries?

how to mount internal drive files. in E drive only, readme, and openmv_disk is there but if i click on run it is not running. ide version:4.0.1, firmware version: 4.4.3, board: openmv cam h7 plus stm32h743 w/sdram os:windows

As mentioned on github… if you see:

Run time error: sensor control failed.

It means the sensor is not found by the camera. Please make sure the sensor is mounted firmly. Or contact who made that camera. We have not been selling the H7 Plus for a while.

how to mount internal drive files. in E drive only, readme, and openmv_disk is there but if i click on run it is not running. ide version:4.0.1, firmware version: 4.4.3, board: openmv cam h7 plus stm32h743 w/sdram os:windows

I don’t understand your issue here… you run the file in OpenMV IDE. If you try to run that from the OS it will try to execute the python file via CPython on your desktop which will do nothing.

i tried to run file in openmv ide and clicked on run button but it is not running the program.

openmv ide downloaded from: openmv-ide-windows-4.09.1 , i tried running openmv ide software for flir lepton 3.5 openmv can h7 plus.

The default script just blinks an LED. It is running.

As for the lepton 3.5.

Yes… that’s a bug that got added to the main firmware. I am about to merge a PR that fixes that issue.

I’ll post the firmware tomorrow for you with a fix for that. Sorry.

Thank you for the update and for addressing the issue in the firmware. Looking forward to receiving the updated firmware with the fix tomorrow. Thanks again! (1.1 MB)

Here’s a fixed firmware for the H7 Plus (not H7).

Sorry about this. We will get the fix merged into main next week.

please explain me step by step to upload firmware to openmv ide?

Tools->Run Bootloader-> Select the File and click run.

How can I detect the temperature of an object using an OpenMV based FLIR Lepton 3.5 camera h7 plus with Python code? Can you please provide a Python code example for object temperature detection using the FLIR Lepton 3.5 camera with rgb565?

There’s literally an example in the IDE for this under examples…

Which example or code should I use with an OpenMV FLIR Lepton 3.5 camera to detect the temperature of an object accurately? Please provide a Python code example for object temperature detection using the FLIR Lepton 3.5 camera.

I’ve tried one example with my OpenMV FLIR Lepton 3.5 camera for object temperature detection, but it seems to consistently report the same temperature for different objects it scans. How can I ensure that the camera accurately detects the temperature of various objects? Is there something specific I should check or modify in the code? example i’ve tried with openmv flir lepton 3.5 camera

hi there,
did you try to change those values?

Set the target temp range here

min_temp_in_celsius = 20.0
max_temp_in_celsius = 35.0

did you tried anything?
what temperature it reads that is the same?

I’m encountering a challenge where I’m consistently getting the same temperature readings (around 33.45°C) for different objects, even though I’ve tried adjusting the temperature range (min_temp_in_celsius = 20.0 and max_temp_in_celsius = 100.0).

i personally use a second threshold list for stats to look for all the pixels inside the blob that the first threshold list returned.
so the first threshold list just to find the hotspot and then get the statistics inside the blob region through 1-255.

Also Please keep the min and max temp close to your target measuring object.

Did you buy a flir lepton with radiometery enabled? GroupGets was selling cheaper variants where this was not working.

I’m currently using the ‘’ script with a FLIR Lepton 3.5 camera. While the script is measuring the camera’s internal temperature correctly, I’m having trouble obtaining the object temperature in degrees Celsius. Could you please provide guidance or code snippets on how to modify the script or create a new one to accurately detect the object temperature using the FLIR Lepton 3.5 camera?