About LCD touch

Hi, I try to change LCD display type by “lcd.update_touch_points()”.
But it will show OSError when OpenMV IDE run about 10 seconds.

OSError : Failed to update the number of touch points

Code :

import sensor, fir, image, time, lcd, math, pyb

from machine import I2C
from vl53l1x import VL53L1X

threshold_list = [(200, 255)]

i2c = I2C(2)
distance = VL53L1X(i2c)


fir_img = sensor.alloc_extra_fb(fir.width(), fir.height(), sensor.GRAYSCALE)

lcd.init(lcd.LCD_DISPLAY_WITH_HDMI, framesize=lcd.FWVGA, refresh=60)

alpha_pal = image.Image(256, 1, sensor.GRAYSCALE)
for i in range(256): alpha_pal[i] = int(math.pow((i / 255), 2) * 255)

to_min = None
to_max = None

def map_g_to_temp(g):
    return ((g * (to_max - to_min)) / 255.0) + to_min

        img = fir.snapshot(x_size = 640, y_size = 480, color_palette = fir.PALETTE_IRONBOW, copy_to_fb = True)
        img.draw_string(4, 0, 'Distance: %d mm' % distance.read(), color = (255, 255, 255), mono_space = False, scale = 2)
        lcd.display(img, x_size = lcd.width(), hint = image.BILINEAR)
        img = sensor.snapshot()
        lcd.display(img, x_size = lcd.width(), hint = image.BILINEAR)
        img.draw_string(4, 0, 'Distance: %d mm' % distance.read(), color = (255, 255, 255), mono_space = False, scale = 2)
        img = sensor.snapshot()
        # ta: Ambient temperature
        # ir: Object temperatures (IR array)
        # to_min: Minimum object temperature
        # to_max: Maximum object temperature
        ta, ir, to_min, to_max = fir.read_ir()

        fir.draw_ir(fir_img, ir, color_palette = None)
        fir_img_size = fir_img.width() * fir_img.height()

        # Find IR Blobs
        blobs = fir_img.find_blobs(threshold_list,
                           pixels_threshold = (fir_img_size // 100),
                           area_threshold = (fir_img_size // 100),
                           merge = True)

        # Collect stats into a list of tuples
        blob_stats = []
        for b in blobs:
            blob_stats.append((b.rect(), map_g_to_temp(img.get_statistics(thresholds = threshold_list,
                                                                          roi = b.rect()).mean())))
            x_scale = img.width() / fir_img.width()
            y_scale = img.height() / fir_img.height()
            img.draw_image(fir_img, 0, 0, x_scale = x_scale, y_scale = y_scale,
                       color_palette = sensor.PALETTE_IRONBOW,
                       alpha_palette = alpha_pal,
                       hint = image.BICUBIC)

        # Draw stuff on the colored image
        for b in blobs:
            img.draw_rectangle(int(b.rect()[0] * x_scale), int(b.rect()[1] * y_scale),
                               int(b.rect()[2] * x_scale), int(b.rect()[3] * y_scale))
            img.draw_cross(int(b.cx() * x_scale), int(b.cy() * y_scale))
        for blob_stat in blob_stats:
            img.draw_string(int((blob_stat[0][0] * x_scale) + 4), int((blob_stat[0][1] * y_scale) + 1),
                            '%.2f C' % blob_stat[1], mono_space = False, scale = 2)

        # Draw ambient, min and max temperatures.
        img.draw_string(4, 0, 'Lepton Temp: %0.2f C' % ta, color = (255, 255, 255), mono_space = False, scale = 2)
        img.draw_string(4, 18, 'Min Temp: %0.2f C' % to_min, color = (255, 255, 255), mono_space = False, scale = 2)
        img.draw_string(4, 36, 'Max Temp: %0.2f C' % to_max, color = (255, 255, 255), mono_space = False, scale = 2)
        img.draw_string(4, 54, 'Distance: %d mm' % distance.read(), color = (255, 255, 255), mono_space = False, scale = 2)

        lcd.display(img, x_size = lcd.width(), hint = image.BILINEAR)
        img = fir.snapshot(x_size = 640, y_size = 480, color_palette = fir.PALETTE_IRONBOW, copy_to_fb = True)
        img.draw_string(4, 0, 'Distance: %d mm' % distance.read(), color = (255, 255, 255), mono_space = False, scale = 2)
        lcd.display(img, x_size = lcd.width(), hint = image.BILINEAR)
        img = sensor.snapshot()
        img.draw_string(4, 0, 'Distance: %d mm' % distance.read(), color = (255, 255, 255), mono_space = False, scale = 2)
        lcd.display(img, x_size = lcd.width(), hint = image.BILINEAR)
        img = sensor.snapshot()
        # ta: Ambient temperature
        # ir: Object temperatures (IR array)
        # to_min: Minimum object temperature
        # to_max: Maximum object temperature
        ta, ir, to_min, to_max = fir.read_ir()

        fir.draw_ir(fir_img, ir, color_palette = None)
        fir_img_size = fir_img.width() * fir_img.height()

        # Find IR Blobs
        blobs = fir_img.find_blobs(threshold_list,
                                   pixels_threshold = (fir_img_size // 100),
                                   area_threshold = (fir_img_size // 100),
                                   merge = True)

        # Collect stats into a list of tuples
        blob_stats = []
        for b in blobs:
            blob_stats.append((b.rect(), map_g_to_temp(img.get_statistics(thresholds = threshold_list,
                                                                          roi = b.rect()).mean())))
            x_scale = img.width() / fir_img.width()
            y_scale = img.height() / fir_img.height()
            img.draw_image(fir_img, 0, 0, x_scale = x_scale, y_scale = y_scale,
                       color_palette = sensor.PALETTE_IRONBOW,
                       alpha_palette = alpha_pal,
                       hint = image.BICUBIC)

        # Draw stuff on the colored image
        for b in blobs:
                img.draw_rectangle(int(b.rect()[0] * x_scale), int(b.rect()[1] * y_scale),
                               int(b.rect()[2] * x_scale), int(b.rect()[3] * y_scale))
                img.draw_cross(int(b.cx() * x_scale), int(b.cy() * y_scale))
        for blob_stat in blob_stats:
                img.draw_string(int((blob_stat[0][0] * x_scale) + 4), int((blob_stat[0][1] * y_scale) + 1),
                            '%.2f C' % blob_stat[1], mono_space = False, scale = 2)

        # Draw ambient, min and max temperatures.
        img.draw_string(4, 0, 'Lepton Temp: %0.2f C' % ta, color = (255, 255, 255), mono_space = False, scale = 2)
        img.draw_string(4, 18, 'Min Temp: %0.2f C' % to_min, color = (255, 255, 255), mono_space = False, scale = 2)
        img.draw_string(4, 36, 'Max Temp: %0.2f C' % to_max, color = (255, 255, 255), mono_space = False, scale = 2)
        img.draw_string(4, 54, 'Distance: %d mm' % distance.read(), color = (255, 255, 255), mono_space = False, scale = 2)

        lcd.display(img, x_size = lcd.width(), hint = image.BILINEAR)