System Info:
- Windows PC
- OpenMV v4.5.9; MicroPython v1.23.0-r19; OpenMV IMXRT1060-MIMXRT1062DVJ6A
- SD card : amazon link to card being used
Unable to mount SD card. I have tried two different uSD cards (refer to link above).
I have made sure that the SDHC card is formatted correctly. I have tried both cards across 3 different RT1062 camera modules with the same result.
Relevant Info: I actually tried a separate SD card from my 3d printer at first. Initially it did not work. After inserting/taking out multiple times it started working randomly. I was running a tflite model/person detection script and the camera froze. The SD card got corrupted and was unrecoverable. This is when I switched to the card linked above. Now I am unable to get any SD card to be recognized. With an SD card inserted or not I get the same memory via the drive associated with the camera (only showing internal mem).
Next Steps: Based on forum content and suggestions from Ibrahim I will try an EVO Plus Class 10 Micro SDHC next. I will also try to partition the 16gb card to 2GB and try again. However documentation implies 16GB is well within limits. (and is necessary for the project that I am evaluating the camera for).