Rpc module for Raspberry Pi

Hi, the unedited files should 100% work. Just make sure the script for the camera is saved as main.py on the OpenMV Cam. The safety remove the openmv cam from the computer and very the script was written. The script that runs on the computer should just work then when run and told to connect to the port the OpenMV Cam is connected to.

Hmm, understood. I was thinking that maybe I didn’t choose the right port. But I’ll verify it again.

Awesome, it ran! I did notice the quality was different on the image. Which sensor modification should I do to get better quality? Thanks again!

It’s just JPEG compression on the image. You can set the jpeg compression to be 90% or higher to make the image look better. There’s a .compress() call in the script on the OpenMV Cam. Also, set the framesize to be larger.

If you want a higher resolution image use the OpenMV Cam H7 Plus.