Problem with Streaming JPG with Wi-Fi Shield use Examples RPC Lib

Hi there, I have a problem with streaming image from OpenMV to computer from Wi-Fi using Examples from your github and RPC Library.

Firstly I used Exapmles “image_transfer_jpg_streaming_as_the_remote_device_for_your_computer” with USB and it work correctly. I saw video on my computer and cmd printed FPS.

Then I wanted to use Wi-Fi. I commented #interface = rpc.rpc_usb_vcp_slave() on in OpenMV and commented all string related USB in computer code. Uncommented and filled slave_ip “interface = rpc.rpc_network_master(slave_ip=“”, my_ip=”“, port=0x1DBA)” and uncommented and filled SSID and KEY in string related WLAN in OpenMV. Ran the code after saved changes I saw the black window from pygame.

Can you help me to find mistakes? What did I do something wrong? I need to use wireless OpenMV.

P.S. Wi-Fi Shield is worked. I checked it from “mjpeg_streamer” and “mjpeg_streamer_ap”.

Thank your for your magic product and faster answer.

Hi, can you download wireshark and record the session data from the OpenMV Cam to the PC? I can see where the issue then is.

Hi, i uploaded a zip with wireshark capture file. It has 60 sec session and 90 sec session. (6.0 MB)