
如图,跟着官网教程在Edge Impulse做了一个口罩识别模型,把代码拷贝进openmv里后试着运行时,出现图示的情况。请问该怎么处理呢?

Hi, if you are using the H7 you need the H7 Plus then.

Thanks!But why doesn’t H7 work?

Hi, it’s just that the model is too big. Set the image input size in edge impulse to like 32x32 or 48x48 versus 96x96.

I tried,and now I have a new problem. sadTAT

Hi, can you try deleting the Image/network layers and restart with just the uploaded data? Things should work.

Thank you for your answer!

But It doesn’t work. Even thought I create a new project to upload data and transfer learning. It seems to fail whenever I set the resolution to 32x32 or 48x48. But if I set back to 96x96,it can transfer learning again.

So how do I get my model to run on openmv H7.

This is a problem then with Edge Impulse. I’ll let them know.

What’s your project ID on Edge Impulse?

Project ID 28825 , a new project(96x96),it works.

Project ID 28760, 32x32,it failed.

Hi Lincess,

My name is Dan and I work at Edge Impulse! Thanks for using our product :slight_smile:

I’ve accessed your project 28760 and it appears that your image size is set to 32x32 and the model has successfully trained. Were you able to resolve your issue?
