Open MV IDE locking up

Frequently after a few hours of continuous use after disconnecting an reconnecting the camera the IDE simply wont recognize the camera any longer and typically requires either a force close of the program or a reboot. Using a macbook pro and the RT1062 camera. Any thoughts on why this might occur.

*sighhh * new cable. or connector.
done that.

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Typically this occurs when there are bugs with the USB driver stack. We have a serial driver thread that does reads/writes to a qserialport class. This calls the lower-level serial port driver on the PC. If that lower-level call never returns the IDE locks up waiting for the OS to respond.

This behavior is typically caused by USB packet errors, making the connection to the camera unreliable.

That said, I haven’t observed these issues on an old Intel Mac. I don’t have a newer Macbook available. But, we have plenty of Mac users and they don’t have this complaint. So, it’s probably related to your setup.

I have the same. The IDE will not quit or reconnect to the board at some point. On my Mac, I have to cmd-option-esc and force quite the IDE.

The frozen IDE happens frequently if I edit on the OpenMV directly. Somehow, the IDE runs more stable if I have my main script on my Mac HD, and then use tools>save as every time I want to try the standalone setup on the robot. That is my current workaround.

I thought it was related to the RT not connecting properly to USB if it previously booted on Vin.

This is probably related to the IDE saving a temporary file to any disk where it’s editing a file.

I guess the fix is to prevent that behavior when it’s editing the uPY flash drive. On an SD card it wouldn’t be a problem.

Can you post a bug on the IDE GitHub about this?

Somehow, the IDE runs more stable if I have my main script on my Mac HD, and then use tools>save as every time I want to try the standalone setup on the robot. That is my current workaround.

This is how I expect people to use the system.