Nicla Vision ussl module

I am using the Nicla Vision board and am trying to use the urequests module to make a HTTPS GET/POST requests. I am able to successfully make HTTP GET requests using the urequests library. But I get the error: “no module named ‘ussl’” when I try to make HTTPS GET request.

Is it right to assume that the firmware for Nicla Vision does not include the micropython ussl module? Is there a way, I can now include the module?

Hi, this might be a regression from u modules being renamed to not include the u part.

Can you make a bug ticket on the OpenMV GitHub for this?

In the mean-time: just copy this script to the disk and rename the ussl to the SSL module: openmv/scripts/libraries/ at master · openmv/openmv (

Resolved: No module named ‘ussl’ in MicroPython v1.23 or 1.24 preview · micropython · Discussion #15229 (

This is something we need to fix. Please make the bug tracker for it so it’s tracked here: Issues · openmv/openmv (