Issue with installing/updating bootloader nano33 ble sense lite

Hi , I am trying to flash Nano33_System>Nano33_updateBLandSoftDevice code on my nano 33 ble sense lite via arduino ide. It gets flashed , but when I go to serial monitor to install the soft device , I am repeatedly getting “would you like to install the soft device” even after pressing ‘Y’. (Once I press Y the flashing process begins and later after completion I get the same message).

If I openmv ide and try to install openmv firmware , I get the message “Please update the bootloader to the latest version and install the SoftDevice to flash the OpenMV firmware. More information can be found on

Can you tell me what can be the issue and can it be resolved?


Hi, there’s not much we can do if the first part of the update doesn’t succeed: Getting Started with OpenMV | Arduino Documentation

The IDE is saying that as the board has not actually updated itself. We do a PID/VID filter on the USB device and it’s still the old VID/PID. Please contact Arduino about this issue.

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Ok thanks