How long does a firmware test actually take please?

I have a OC7725-M7. I just downloaded latest OpenMV IDE. As expected it detected my firmware was old and offered to update it. I don’t have an SD card in the board. The IDE reported that a self test would run and if SD card was not inserted “… this may take a long time”, with a blinking blue light indicating self test has completed.

I have a blinking green light, more or less having started blinking on firmware upload, but not the blinking blue light. No blinking blue light has happened for over an hour.

How long should I expect a firmware test, without SD card in, to run please?

The self-test takes a few seconds, it runs only once after the firmware update is done (when the green blinking stops and after the cam resets). The firmware update may have been interrupted, you should try it again.

@iabdalkader thanks.

Intuitively, I expected the board to be bricked - since I opted for erase first.

However, when I when to connect the IDE no longer baulked at the firmware. I could connect to the board and ran default example.

So I need check the firmware version now on the board to see where the board now thinks its at. Once I check that I’ll try suss out the behaviour.

It can’t be bricked easily (the bootloader doesn’t get erased) also there’s always DFU for recovery. The firmware version is displayed on the bottom right corner when the cam is connected, or in the terminal text.

Yep, so it’s showing 4.1.1.

So, I guess I missed the flashing blue and it’s just jumped straight into waiting for connection to IDE?

Otherwise, the guidance on the modal dialog that popped up suggested one needs to wait until the blue flashing light and then states that it will take a long time if the SD card is absent. Am I reading the instruction on the modal dialog, that comes up during firmware download, might need updating?

It’s already on the latest firmware so you don’t need to do anything else. Yes maybe the instructions need to be updated, the blue led flashes if the default is stored on the internal (or external) storage.