The ide debug windows shows the print data,but the bufferframe doesn't refresh

the ide debug windows shows the print data,but the bufferframe doesn’t refresh,it looks like the camera is freezing.
i stop the code_A and open the new code_B: “helloworld”,run the “hellowworld”,and debug windows refresh,but the bufferframe doesn’t refresh yet.
so i have to reconnect the openmv again.and the running is ok.
how to avoid the abnormal issue?

Seems abnormal. Is the frame buffer enabled in the top right corner of the IDE?


What OpenMV Cam model are you using and where did you get it? Finally, do you have the latest firmware and IDE?

my os is win7,ide 4.0 doesn’t work。so i have to ues ide 3.03 .

Ah, okay, then you’re using unsupported stuff. I don’t know

Windows 7 is extremely old.