Hello, I’m a newly in all OpenMV.
Have been working on a 6 axis robot arm project and did like to integrate OpenMV as vision system to detect parts orientation at random. The Robot controller program is looking in a txt file located on the C drive for the coordinates, X, Y, and rotation.
So far I found the Single Color Code Tracking Example quite helpful, from there I need to send or save the x, y, rotation to a txt file that the robot software reads and then is able to pick the part accordingly, it could also be save to the sd card inside the camera.
I have not been able to find any example that would show me how I would save or write the txt file to sd or external drive. Any help would be very appreciated. See code bellow:
# Single Color Code Tracking Example
# This example shows off single color code tracking using the OpenMV Cam.
# A color code is a blob composed of two or more colors. The example below will
# only track colored objects which have both the colors below in them.
import sensor, image, time
from pyb import LED
# Color Tracking Thresholds (L Min, L Max, A Min, A Max, B Min, B Max)
# The below thresholds track in general red/green things. You may wish to tune them...
#thresholds = [(30, 100, 15, 127, 15, 127), # generic_red_thresholds -> index is 0 so code == (1 << 0)
# (30, 100, -64, -8, -32, 32)] # generic_green_thresholds -> index is 1 so code == (1 << 1)
thresholds = [(55, 100,-24, 11, 32, 86), #1#yellow
(27, 100, 42, 80, 30, 64), #2#red
(39, 100,-51,-12, 10, 57)] #4#green
# Codes are or'ed together when "merge=True" for "find_blobs".
sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000)
sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must be turned off for color tracking
sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must be turned off for color tracking
clock = time.clock()
object_x_old = 0
object_y_old = 0
code = 2 ## 1:yellow 2:red 4:green
buf = "00"
# Only blobs that with more pixels than "pixel_threshold" and more area than "area_threshold" are
# returned by "find_blobs" below. Change "pixels_threshold" and "area_threshold" if you change the
# camera resolution. "merge=True" must be set to merge overlapping color blobs for color codes.
img = sensor.snapshot()
for blob in img.find_blobs(thresholds, pixels_threshold=100, area_threshold=100, merge=False):
#check if there is object with right color
if blob.code() == code:
img.draw_cross(blob.cx(), blob.cy())
print(blob.cx(), blob.cy(),blob.w())
#make sure the detected object is stable and print the coordinates
#first it detect if the coordinates of blob is available
#second compared with the last position to make sure if the object is not moving
#third reduce the affect of anbience
if blob.cx()!=None and (
abs(object_x_old - int(blob.cx())) < 8 and
abs(object_y_old - int(blob.cy())) < 8) and (
blob.w()>35 and
if buf[1]==ord('S') :
#clear the flag
buf = "00"