When I try to use the rpc protocol, the window will pop up like this, so I was using the same code as above.
[openMV code]
# This work is licensed under the MIT license.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023 OpenMV LLC. All rights reserved.
# https://github.com/openmv/openmv/blob/master/LICENSE
# Remote Control - As The Remote Device
# This script configures your OpenMV Cam as a co-processor that can be remotely controlled by
# another microcontroller or computer such as an Arduino, ESP8266/ESP32, RaspberryPi, and
# even another OpenMV Cam.
# This script is designed to pair with "popular_features_as_the_controller_device.py".
import image
import math
import rpc
import sensor
import struct
# The RPC library above is installed on your OpenMV Cam and provides multiple classes for
# allowing your OpenMV Cam to be controlled over CAN, I2C, SPI, UART, USB VCP, or LAN/WLAN.
# Choose the interface you wish to control your OpenMV Cam over.
# Uncomment the below line to setup your OpenMV Cam for control over CAN.
# * message_id - CAN message to use for data transport on the can bus (11-bit).
# * bit_rate - CAN bit rate.
# * sample_point - Tseg1/Tseg2 ratio. Typically 75%. (50.0, 62.5, 75, 87.5, etc.)
# NOTE: Master and slave message ids and can bit rates must match. Connect master can high to slave
# can high and master can low to slave can lo. The can bus must be terminated with 120 ohms.
# interface = rpc.rpc_can_slave(message_id=0x7FF, bit_rate=250000, sample_point=75)
# Uncomment the below line to setup your OpenMV Cam for control over I2C.
# * slave_addr - I2C address.
# NOTE: Master and slave addresses must match. Connect master scl to slave scl and master sda
# to slave sda. You must use external pull ups. Finally, both devices must share a ground.
# interface = rpc.rpc_i2c_slave(slave_addr=0x12)
# Uncomment the below line to setup your OpenMV Cam for control over SPI.
# * cs_pin - Slave Select Pin.
# * clk_polarity - Idle clock level (0 or 1).
# * clk_phase - Sample data on the first (0) or second edge (1) of the clock.
# NOTE: Master and slave settings much match. Connect CS, SCLK, MOSI, MISO to CS, SCLK, MOSI, MISO.
# Finally, both devices must share a common ground.
# interface = rpc.rpc_spi_slave(cs_pin="P3", clk_polarity=1, clk_phase=0)
# Uncomment the below line to setup your OpenMV Cam for control over UART.
# * baudrate - Serial Baudrate.
# NOTE: Master and slave baud rates must match. Connect master tx to slave rx and master rx to
# slave tx. Finally, both devices must share a common ground.
interface = rpc.rpc_uart_slave(baudrate=115200)
# Uncomment the below line to setup your OpenMV Cam for control over a USB VCP.
# interface = rpc.rpc_usb_vcp_slave()
# Uncomment the below line to setup your OpenMV Cam for control over the lan.
# import network
# network_if = network.LAN()
# network_if.active(True)
# network_if.ifconfig('dhcp')
# interface = rpc.rpc_network_slave(network_if)
# Uncomment the below line to setup your OpenMV Cam for control over the wlan.
# import network
# network_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
# network_if.active(True)
# network_if.connect('your-ssid', 'your-password')
# interface = rpc.rpc_network_slave(network_if)
# Call Backs
# Helper methods used by the call backs below.
def draw_detections(img, dects):
for d in dects:
c = d.corners()
l = len(c)
for i in range(l):
img.draw_line(c[(i + 0) % l] + c[(i + 1) % l], color=(0, 255, 0))
img.draw_rectangle(d.rect(), color=(255, 0, 0))
# Remote control works via call back methods that the controller
# device calls via the rpc module on this device. Call backs
# are functions which take a bytes() object as their argument
# and return a bytes() object as their result. The rpc module
# takes care of moving the bytes() objects across the link.
# bytes() may be the micropython int max in size.
# When called returns x, y, w, and h of the largest face within view.
# data is unused
def face_detection(data):
faces = (
if not faces:
return bytes() # No detections.
for f in faces:
sensor.get_fb().draw_rectangle(f, color=(255, 255, 255))
out_face = max(faces, key=lambda f: f[2] * f[3])
return struct.pack("<HHHH", out_face[0], out_face[1], out_face[2], out_face[3])
# When called returns the payload string for the largest qrcode
# within the OpenMV Cam's field-of-view.
# data is unused
def qrcode_detection(data):
sensor.set_windowing((320, 240))
codes = sensor.snapshot().find_qrcodes()
if not codes:
return bytes() # No detections.
draw_detections(sensor.get_fb(), codes)
return max(codes, key=lambda c: c.w() * c.h()).payload().encode()
# When called returns a json list of json qrcode objects for all qrcodes in view.
# data is unused
def all_qrcode_detection(data):
sensor.set_windowing((320, 240))
codes = sensor.snapshot().find_qrcodes()
if not codes:
return bytes() # No detections.
draw_detections(sensor.get_fb(), codes)
return str(codes).encode()
# When called returns the x/y centroid, id number, and rotation of the largest
# AprilTag within the OpenMV Cam's field-of-view.
# data is unused
def apriltag_detection(data):
tags = sensor.snapshot().find_apriltags()
if not tags:
return bytes() # No detections.
draw_detections(sensor.get_fb(), tags)
output_tag = max(tags, key=lambda t: t.w * t.h)
return struct.pack(
# When called returns a json list of json apriltag objects for all apriltags in view.
# data is unused
def all_apriltag_detection(data):
tags = sensor.snapshot().find_apriltags()
if not tags:
return bytes() # No detections.
draw_detections(sensor.get_fb(), tags)
return str(tags).encode()
# When called returns the payload string for the largest datamatrix
# within the OpenMV Cam's field-of-view.
# data is unused
def datamatrix_detection(data):
sensor.set_windowing((320, 240))
codes = sensor.snapshot().find_datamatrices()
if not codes:
return bytes() # No detections.
draw_detections(sensor.get_fb(), codes)
return max(codes, key=lambda c: c.w() * c.h()).payload().encode()
# When called returns a json list of json datamatrix objects for all datamatrices in view.
# data is unused
def all_datamatrix_detection(data):
sensor.set_windowing((320, 240))
codes = sensor.snapshot().find_datamatrices()
if not codes:
return bytes() # No detections.
draw_detections(sensor.get_fb(), codes)
return str(codes).encode()
# When called returns the payload string for the largest barcode
# within the OpenMV Cam's field-of-view.
# data is unused
def barcode_detection(data):
sensor.set_windowing((sensor.width(), sensor.height() // 8))
codes = sensor.snapshot().find_barcodes()
if not codes:
return bytes() # No detections.
return max(codes, key=lambda c: c.w() * c.h()).payload().encode()
# When called returns a json list of json barcode objects for all barcodes in view.
# data is unused
def all_barcode_detection(data):
sensor.set_windowing((sensor.width(), sensor.height() // 8))
codes = sensor.snapshot().find_barcodes()
if not codes:
return bytes() # No detections.
return str(codes).encode()
# When called returns the x/y centroid of the largest blob
# within the OpenMV Cam's field-of-view.
# data is the 6-byte color tracking threshold tuple of L_MIN, L_MAX, A_MIN, A_MAX, B_MIN, B_MAX.
def color_detection(data):
thresholds = struct.unpack("<bbbbbb", data)
blobs = sensor.snapshot().find_blobs(
[thresholds], pixels_threshold=500, area_threshold=500, merge=True, margin=20
if not blobs:
return bytes() # No detections.
for b in blobs:
sensor.get_fb().draw_rectangle(b.rect(), color=(255, 0, 0))
sensor.get_fb().draw_cross(b.cx(), b.cy(), color=(0, 255, 0))
out_blob = max(blobs, key=lambda b: b.density())
return struct.pack("<HH", out_blob.cx(), out_blob.cy())
# When called returns a jpeg compressed image from the OpenMV
# Cam in one RPC call.
# data is unused
def jpeg_snapshot(data):
img = sensor.snapshot()
return img.bytearray()
# Register call backs.
# Once all call backs have been registered we can start
# processing remote events. interface.loop() does not return.
=> Error Message
ValueError: UART(3) doesn’t exist
Traceback (most recent call last):
** File “< stdin>”, line 69, in *
** File “rpc.py”, line 644, in init**
ValueError: UART(3) doesn’t exist
OpenMV v4.5.9; MicroPython v1.23.0-r19; OpenMV IMXRT1060-MIMXRT1062DVJ6A
Type “help()” for more information.