How to connect OPenMV H7 to 1.77' TFT LCD 128*60 with other SPI pin (SCLK)?

Hello everyone!

I have some problems with to connection OpenMV and display.
I managed to connect to regular pins. But i want to create a new software SPI pin SCLK. I know Pin SCLK have two variation: hardware pin and software pin and this allows you to set PIN SPI to other outputs (software pin).
First , I decided that we need to create driver TFT LCD and to load on board. This requires a driver IC:ST7735S. Secondly, we need to know what kind ports we want to reassign.

The usual connection is like this:

display OPenMV H7
1.D/C 1. P8 (servo2)
2.RST 2. P7 (servo1)
3.CS1 3. P3 (SS)
4.SCK 4. P2 (SCLK)
5.MOSI 5. P0 (MOSI)
6.GND 6. GND
7.3V3 7. 3V3

New outputs assign such:

display OPenMV H7
1.D/C 1. P8 (servo2)
2.RST 2. P7 (servo1)
3.CS1 3. P9 (servo3)
4.SCK 4. P1 (MISO)
5.MOSI 5. P0 (MOSI)
6.GND 6. GND
7.3V3 7. 3V3

(Just swap two pins SPI.)

Thanks for attention !

You need to use the hardware SPI for any type of performance. I don not recommend doing software SPI.