Open MV Pan and Tilt

Okay Im going to have to Amplify the signal being sent from the OpenMV Cam (3.3V and 0.05A). Hoepfully I’ll be able to get it to the desired 3.3V and 0.08A. Thanks. This is the last part of the project, then it should work 100%. Will upload a video as soon as its done.

Kind regards,
Sleepy Engineering Student

I used the above circuit. With a 1k Resistor… But for some reason when i rebuild the circuit. The relay switches once and not again, Im using a 7V battery as the VSS and 3.3 as the input at v1. I have the 2N2222 Transistor connected correctly, but im not sure why it only triggers the relay once and not again when i move the apriltag infront of it, because i am getting 3.3 at the output.

Some help would go a real long way since this is the last problem we’re having.

Kind regards,
Sleepy Engineering Student

Um, can you measure the voltage on the transistor base? The pin that connects to the OpenMV Cam? Make sure that the OpenMV Cam’s IOs are working properly.

Also, can you draw me a circuit? By hand and scanned or via paint is fine.

Got it triggering… Turns out I cant source from a 9V Battery. I need to use a constant DC voltage from a power supply… I attached the circuit Im using.

Okay, great.

Thank you so much for the assistance on the project. Will upload a video to youtube soon, if Im allowed to put OpenMV on the web. Full credit will be given to OpenMV. In the final testing stages and handling the fact that our circuit is drawing abit too much current.

Kind regards,

Seeing light at the end of the tunnel Engineering Student

Circuit is working, only problem we’re having is the circuit is drawing too much current. ANY Ideas to how this can be solved? Our transformer gets hot and starts smoking, the rating on the transformer is 4A at 24VAC.

Kind regards,
Sleepy Engineering Student.

I don’t know why your professor is letting you play with 24VAC and 4A power rails. Seems kinda in the dangerous zone.

Um, if the system maintains position one moved then just increase the dead zone value I put in the code so it’s not drawing power trying to keep the camera centered on something.

Okay i’ll give that a go… When the pan and tilt gets power, it moves… but as soon as i hook up a normal closed Relay, it gets the transformer overheating. When i connect it in Normally Open, it does nothing, because i cant switch the coil of the relay, so the pan and tilt moves on its own, counter clockwise. Didnt know it might be a programming problem, thought maybe it was a hardware malfunction. What do you think would be an ideal deadzone?

Thank you very much for the help with this project, its giving me sleepless nights.

Sleepy Engineering Student.

You have to test until you find a dead zone value that works without needed a lot of power. The only way to find this is to try different values.

Okay i’ll play around with the value. But I havent connected my OpenMV Cam to the pan and tilt yet. Im running the Pan and Tilt without the camera. First testing relays, but thats when the transformer gets hot. As soon as i can get the relays running in NC i’ll hook up the OpenMV Cam.

,Sleepy Engineering Student

Trying similar but attempting to use the DAC output labeled either P6 or P7 (in the code) for a 3 wire servo. This would be right out of the examples. These use pulse proportional control. The old Pixy did this pretty well. Can’t seem to get that pin working at all. Any clues?

DAC is analog, servos expect square wave digital signal. you should use PWM for servos.

Could be mine was broke, put a scope on and got nothing under any circumstances!?

It won’t output anything if you’re running the wrong script. P6 is ADC/DAC on all cams. P7, P8 (and P9 on some cams) are PWM channels, see the pinout.