Saving Centroidal coordinates in interger Variables on Arduino

I am working on a robot that has to pickup silver and black balls. To detect those I am using an Edge Impulse algorithm on the OpenMV rt1062. The rest of the robot is controller by an Arduino Nano.I got it working, that the camera is sending the centroidal coordinates to the Arduino, but I dont know how the save the coordinates to a x and y interger variable.
Does anyone have Tips on how to do that ?

Hi, It sounds like you basically mastered everything already. What do you mean by save the variable? If you just want to assign them to a variable create an x/y variable like an int and assign the value to it.

You could use ChatGPT to help with this.

I have to assign the coordinates to interger variable s inside of the arduino Programm so the robot can center the ball to the pick it up.

Hi, please Google how to read and create variables in C.

Hi. How did you receive the coordinates from OpenMV? Thank you