I’m trying to control the backlight of my Arduino Giga Display Shield. By default it works in the on/off fashion:
# init the lcd display
lcd = display.DSIDisplay(framesize=display.FWVGA, portrait=True, refresh=60, controller=display.ST7701(),)
It works to switch the backline off and on as follows:
lcd.backlight(0) # off
lcd.backlight(100) # on
however, the openMV documentation and also the display shield diagrams mention a PWM capability, if I understand well on pin PB12, which is not a gpio (?).
If I try to use the constructor for a PWMBacklight as documented on pin ‘PB12’ I get an error that pin ‘B12’ (note the missing ‘P’) is not allowed on timer 3.
*class* display.PWMBacklight(*pin* , *timer=3* , *channel=3* , *frequency=200* )[¶](https://docs.openmv.io/library/omv.display.PWMBacklight.html#display.display.PWMBacklight)
Anyways, I don’t get it. Any tips or pointer? Thanks!