This is great news. Just yesterday, I cut a 80 x 80 mm hole in my Superdroids robot base and designed and printed a mount for the OpenMV camera. The camera lens is 42 mm above the base and approximately 125 mm off the floor. It looks through the hole to April tags on the floor. You can see what it looks like in the attached picture. Even with the wide angle lens, at this distance, I’m not getting a very large FOV. I’m going to use a UWB indoor positioning system to tell the robot to go to certain marks on the floor, but the accuracy is stated as within 10 cm. At the marks, I will put an April tag. Ideally, I’d like the OpenMV camera FOV to be larger than this. Otherwise, I plan to put more April tags around the target one to guide the robot the last few cm.
If I could get one of the new cameras, I could enlarge the hole and get a bigger FOV. When do you think they will be available?