License Plate detection Haar cascade

sorry for the late reply! It seems like it’s just crashing on this line

 carplate_cascade=image.HaarCascade('/haarcascade_russian_plate_number.cascade', stages=25)


I replaced the print statement with ‘test’ and it outputs that so it seems like it’s crashing on that print? is there a possible reason for it?

I found an older thread (implement own Haar-Cascade - #8 by fabianhummel) and it’s similar problem as fabianhummel had, printing out the same output. The conversion script ran fine without issues (i tried it on another cascade that had 16 stages and it produced the following error):

UPDATE: for those facing similar issue, i managed to find out where the problem was - in the scaling & threshold values. Seems like a scale_factor <1.0 would cause it to crash. I’ve tried it at scale of 1.2 and detecting on a bigger sized image and it works