implement own Haar-Cascade

Hi, please see the replies to this thread. The script runs on Linux, and only supports simple Haar cascades (the old format) and the output (*.cascade) needs to be copied to flash or SD.

I am equally struggling with implementation of my own HaarCascade

One thing I noticed, is that it is next to impossible to replicate results of:

OpenCV: cascade.xml + CascadeClassifier.detectMultiScale

OpenMV: cascade.cascade + image.find_features

Given just the function description, the OpenCV version has more and different parameters to tune.

Are there plans to use the OpenCV implementation of ā€œHaarInferenceā€ in the near future?

Itā€™s very hard to build a pipeline where you train and test with OpenCV, but cascade format and inference algorithm on OpenMV are different.

Not really, weā€™re about to release tensor flow support for object detection in a few months. So, HaarCascades need not be used anymore.