How accurate is hardware triggering multiple OpenMV boards?


I’m in the process of considering using one of the OpenMV boards for a project I have in mind. Essentially I’m trying to hardware trigger 2+ OpenMV boards via a PWM signal. I have searched through the forum and found the only sensor that supports a frame sync is the MT9V034 Global Shutter sensor, very commonly used in state-estimation tasks like VO / VIO / SLAM.

From what I gather I can set the sensor to trigger mode, then I can write some micropython to detect a GPIO pin going high? I guess my question then is how accurate would the frame sync’s be between sensors? I’m more used to industrial machine vision cameras where if I send a PWM signal I have pretty high confidence the cameras are all triggered at the same time.

Yes, so you’d just do a tight loop in Python, waiting for the trigger line to go high, and then you’d call a snapshot on both boards right after that, which would activate the camera trigger.

Folks have found this method to give them sub-millisecond level precision.

Then, both cameras just are reading the same I/O pin.

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