I’m trying to use the face_eye_detection.py script but for some reason drawing within the second for loop doesn’t work. I’ve tried commenting out the img.draw_rectangle(face) thinking maybe it couldn’t draw more than once on an image, but still no luck. Has anyone else had this issue? What am I doing wrong?
The haar cascade eye detector is just generally not that good. The face detector is pretty good but the eye detector one doesn’t work that well. In the future we may improve that feature but we’ve been swamped with other things folks want us to build out.
# Face Eye Detection Example
# This script uses the built-in frontalface detector to find a face and then
# the eyes within the face. If you want to determine the eye gaze please see the
# iris_detection script for an example on how to do that.
import sensor, time, image
# Reset sensor
# Sensor settings
# Load Haar Cascade
# By default this will use all stages, lower satges is faster but less accurate.
face_cascade = image.HaarCascade("frontalface", stages=25)
eyes_cascade = image.HaarCascade("eye", stages=24)
print(face_cascade, eyes_cascade)
# FPS clock
clock = time.clock()
while (True):
# Capture snapshot
img = sensor.snapshot()
# Find a face !
# Note: Lower scale factor scales-down the image more and detects smaller objects.
# Higher threshold results in a higher detection rate, with more false positives.
objects = img.find_features(face_cascade, threshold=0.5, scale_factor=1.5)
# Draw faces
for face in objects:
# Now find eyes within each face.
# Note: Use a higher threshold here (more detections) and lower scale (to find small objects)
eyes = img.find_features(eyes_cascade, threshold=0.5, scale_factor=1.2, roi=face)
for e in eyes:
# Print FPS.
# Note: Actual FPS is higher, streaming the FB makes it slower.
It doesn’t draw a rectangle in this if it doesn’t detect the eyes… which happens easily.
I took that script and modified it to 1) light up the red LED, 2) use a circle for the face (to differentiate it from the eyes) and 3) quit:
# Face Eye Detection Example
# This script uses the built-in frontalface detector to find a face and then
# the eyes within the face. If you want to determine the eye gaze please see the
# iris_detection script for an example on how to do that.
import sensor, time, image
from pyb import LED
red_led = LED(1)
# Reset sensor
# Sensor settings
# Load Haar Cascade
# By default this will use all stages, lower satges is faster but less accurate.
face_cascade = image.HaarCascade("frontalface", stages=30)
eyes_cascade = image.HaarCascade("eye", stages=24)
print(face_cascade, eyes_cascade)
# FPS clock
clock = time.clock()
def circle_from_rect(rect):
x = round(rect[2] / 2) + rect[0]
y = round(rect[3] / 2) + rect[1]
r = round(rect[3] / 2)
return (x, y, r)
notFound = True
while (notFound):
# Capture snapshot
img = sensor.snapshot()
# Find a face !
# Note: Lower scale factor scales-down the image more and detects smaller objects.
# Higher threshold results in a higher detection rate, with more false positives.
objects = img.find_features(face_cascade, threshold=0.5, scale_factor=1.4)
# Draw faces
for face in objects:
(x,y, r) = circle_from_rect(face)
img.draw_circle(x, y, r)
# Now find eyes within each face.
# Note: Use a higher threshold here (more detections) and lower scale (to find small objects)
eyes = img.find_features(eyes_cascade, threshold=0.5, scale_factor=1.2, roi=face)
for e in eyes:
print("found eyes")
#(x, y, r) = circle_from_rect(e)
#img.draw_circle(x, y, r)
notFound = False
# Print FPS.
# Note: Actual FPS is higher, streaming the FB makes it slower.
It shows the last frame, always with a circle around my face even though it detected my eyes.
This isn’t a big deal since I don’t plan on using it long-term. I just was wondering if anyone else had this issue and they knew why.
Oh, it’s because you do the sleep(5000). The image is only flushed to the IDE on img.sensor_snapshot(). If you want to force an image flush without snapshot() do: