
hello, does the thermal camera indicate the temperature value? (maximum / minimum for example)

Yes, all pixels have a temp in C.

Boa tarde.
Estou desenvolvendo um projeto de análise de temperatura com sistema de visão para meu curso de pós-graduação e me interessei pelas câmeras vendidas por vocês. Não conheço os produtos e estou um pouco confuso: Qual kit devo comprar para obter uma imagem térmica de acordo com este tutorial?

No meu projeto terei de monitorar três regiões de temperatura de acordo com a imagem. Isto possível ?

Eu trabalho na siderurgia Arcelor Mittal, e recentemente houve um acidente com aço liquido por conta de um jato de aço liquido irregular em um equipamento. Por conta deste acidente eu escolhi este projeto para o meu trabalho de conclusão do curso de pos graduação. A ideia é que se der certo o projeto, vou apresentar para os gerente da empresa que trabalho e tentar implantar um projeto maior dentro da empresa.

Eu agradeço a sua atenção.

unfortunately I couldn’t attach the image

Hi, we’re about to release a product called the OpenMV Pure Thermal in a few months. It will likely be what you want. In the mean-time, the OpenMV Cam H7 Plus along with the FLIR Lepton adapter give you the ability to read in thermal images.

With the OpenMV Cam H7 Plus together with the FLIR Lepton adapter is it not possible to read the maximum temperature in three regions?

Yes, that is very easy. You can use blob tracking in the thermal image and set an ROI on the area to get the temp.

This is exciting news! Just read about it on the blog: Arduino Partnership | OpenMV

I will use the H7 Plus with the Lepton 3.5 and adapter for now to beat the bears waking up, but this is extremely exciting. I think I will use the two H7 Pluses I ordered (can’t wait until they get here) and wait for the release of the Pure Thermal to expand my network for bear detection on our property. Having a regular camera with autofocus and the Lepton and being able to fuse the images together is going to be super exciting. Instead of having to train image detection or object detection with Lepton imagery of bears (which will be tough to come by), I would imagine this would allow me to do the training using the regular camera and use the temperature reading of the Lepton to help confirm.

Excellent news!

Very good. Is it possible to do this programming with visual studio? Do you have any tutorial talking about programming with visual studio in python?

We don’t have any support for programming in visual studio.

Could you send me the purchase link for all the necessary components to obtain the thermal image ?

I don’t think the Pure Thermal is out yet for sale.

But the H7 and H7 Plus with a Lepton Adapter can be purchased here if you want the current versions: Products | OpenMV

You have to buy the Lepton camera separately which can be gotten here: FLIR Lepton 3.5 - In Stock – GroupGets