side face recognition

Is there a quick way to adapt the face recognition example to recognize side profile face pictures? if not, can you give me directions to white paper or procedure to accomplish that?

Just train a network using Edge Impulse. The main thing you have to do is collect a side face dataset.

Thank you for the quick reply Kwabena. Doesn’t training the network using Edge Impulse require using the ‘Face Detection’ example that only works with frontal face view? How do I get the camera to select the side view head region?

You have to collect a massive dataset of side faces. The internet might have some datasets freely available for this too.

Great, I will check the internet to see what is available. Would the H7 hardware have enough resources to run such an application for discriminating people wearing masks or no masks from a side profile walking past an area that is properly lit with a plain wall background?

people wearing masks or no masks from a side profile walking past an area that is properly lit with a plain wall background?

There’s a model for front facing and H7+ only