RPC Interface Library POE Board

I’ve been working on a a POE shield for the OpenMV H7 I have the power issues fixed, The main issue i am having is how to attach the SPI to the Ethernet port:

rpc_wifi_or_ethernet_slave(my_ip="", port=0x1DBA)

I am unsure of the use of this do i need to have a ethernet chip to sub such as this?

any help would be appreciated.

Hi, MicroPython has a driver already for the WINZNet 5K: micropython/drivers/wiznet5k at a0d393a0627a7fd4825a3ae8f14c7eb5e2a70de5 · openmv/micropython · GitHub

I would use that chip… as it would be a very minimal amount of work to get it operational.

It’s already supported in the STHAL for MicroPython: micropython/modnwwiznet5k.c at a0d393a0627a7fd4825a3ae8f14c7eb5e2a70de5 · openmv/micropython · GitHub

A compile flag has to be enabled to include it. But, otherwise it’s almost there.

Thank you for the quick reply can the compile flag be enabled in the openmv firmware?

Yeah, that isn’t a problem. We just need firmware space.