FPS problem

Hi everyone, can somebody help me with my problem. Why I have so low fps on openMV H7? forForum.jpg - Google Drive

Please post your code inline on the forums.

import sensor, image, time

sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000)

clock = time.clock()

img = sensor.snapshot()

With this code I have only 18 fps. Maybe it’s overheat because I’ve noticed that when I’ve just started the amount of fps was pretty high.

It’s probably the scene. The camera will adjust the exposure on the camera to compensate for the lighting. Try adding more light.

It’s probably the scene. The camera will adjust the exposure on the camera to compensate for the lighting. Try adding more light.

Hey, I just tried your code on my M7 and I get consistent 18 FPS when I cover the lenses due to the change in exposition time, but I get it up to 60 in a well illuminated scene., so I agree with @kwagyeman, it’s definitely the scene, unless there’s something wrong with your hardware, of course.

Thanks, I’ll try to add more light.

You can also just force the exposure to be low via sensor.set_auto_exposure()