Color recognition and send data between arduino and openmv(vice versa)

Hello, I’m new here,
Can I ask, if it is possible to recognize the RGB value of the object?
Also, I saw the example code of openmv to arduino, and it’s working fine for me,
But I want also, the arduino send data to openmv, how can I achieve this?

Which code are you using?

In sending data to arduino the example,
i’ts working fine but i want to send data also from arduino to openmv to trigger the color recognition.
Because when the push button from arduino push it will send data to openmv to trigger the color recognition process.

Also, About the color, my idea is compare the rgb range of an object from the color category.
But i dont have an idea to extract the RGB value. I’m completely new here in openmv.

Here’s the color category, can you help me

There’s a tool in the IDE that can help you do that, Tools->Machine Vision->Threshold Editor.