Failed to connect Edge Impulse from OpenMV IDE

Hi experts,

Tried to connect OpenMV to Edge Impulse, I got 『error creating SSL context()』 when tried to login from OpenMV IDE.

Please kindly point out, if I missed anything, thanks.

Hi, this is because your OS or network is blocking openmv ide from connecting to EdgeImpulse.

This is not a bug in the IDE, but, something in your system settings. There is most likely either a firewall on your local PC that blocks an SSL connection from the app or in your network.

Hi kwagyeman, thanks for your reply.

Since it’s a fresh installation, and has no restriction for it.

Anyway, I just walked around by export the dataset on the desktop and upload to EI studio in the browser.

Hello everyone!
I’d the same issue like KXCY. Win 10 firewall and security soft are disabled.
Also I’d tried an edge-impulse-data-forwarder method for connection with a Edge Impulse and failed due to frequency issue (pic is attached)

Is another way exist to connect with a Edge Impulse? May the frequency issue be solved?
Thanks for replying!

Hi, this is an issue with the version of open ssl being out of date on the IDE.

Unfortunately I cannot fix it without upgrading the whole thing. I will be starting work on this very soon however thanks to an abundance of more time to work on OpenMV.

However, for right now it is broken. I’m sorry that I don’t have an easy fix.

ETA for the IDE being upgraded is about 3 months.

Anyway, as a backdoor, you can just upload images to edge impulse via their online gui. You don’t need the IDE to do this process for you.

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