Validation of CRC computation - memory regions - H7plus


I am sharing a function I have created to compute the CRC of the bootloader and firmware sections of my openmv H7 plus. For my project I need these values to be verifiable at bootup by another device to make sure that neither bootloader nor firmware are specific ones for which my product is certified. I am uncertain of the memory regions. Hope this function can be useful for someone. I need to make sure these are the memory regions which are written to when loading firmware / bootloader to the device.

def get_prog_mem_crc():
    # Define memory boundaries for bootloader and firmware only
    bootloader_start_address = 0x08000000  # Bootloader start
    bootloader_size = 128 * 1024           # 128 KB bootloader size

    firmware_start_address = 0x08040000     # Firmware start, skipping FFS
    firmware_size = 1792 * 1024             # 1792 KB firmware size

    block_size = 512  # Size of each block to read
    crc = 0xFFFFFFFF  # Initialize CRC
    flash = pyb.Flash()

    # Calculate the blocks for the bootloader
    bootloader_block_start = (bootloader_start_address - 0x08000000) // block_size
    bootloader_block_end = bootloader_block_start + (bootloader_size // block_size)

    # Calculate the blocks for the firmware
    firmware_block_start = (firmware_start_address - 0x08000000) // block_size
    firmware_block_end = firmware_block_start + (firmware_size // block_size)

    # Read and process the bootloader area
    for block in range(bootloader_block_start, bootloader_block_end):
        memory_data = bytearray(block_size)
        flash.readblocks(block, memory_data)
        crc = crc32_mod.crc_update(memory_data, crc)

    # Read and process the firmware area
    for block in range(firmware_block_start, firmware_block_end):
        memory_data = bytearray(block_size)
        flash.readblocks(block, memory_data)
        crc = crc32_mod.crc_update(memory_data, crc)

    print("CRC32 of bootloader and firmware: 0x{:08X}".format(crc))
    return crc
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openmv/src/omv/boards/OPENMV4P/omv_boardconfig.h at master · openmv/openmv