Im new in this of ai, i need your help about ideas, tips, examples, or some for this.
The main problem is identify words and symbols on a little screen, this identify like pass, fail, etc. and for each one of this patrons get a digital out.
I try with niclavision but i get the problem of the memory and ram, with the examples of openmv, but i stil stuck on this.
All help will appreciated. Thanks
Hi, are the words different colors? If so, you can just use find_blobs() and color tracking. You don’t need a train a network. Otherwise, train an image classifier model using edge impulse and a new firmware into the Nicla with the model.
Yes the words have colors, green and red like the image
the nicla can check this without breaks? or need the openmv module or another device?
Yeah, if pass and fail are green and red respectively you just need find blobs and you can target the ROI fund_blobs() works on over the PASS/FAIL area. Use the Tools->Machine Vision->Threshold editor to get the color values.
I highly recommend setting up a jig that holds the camera above the screen first.